
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Linville Gorge July 2011

Linville Gorge July 2011

Mason and I took a 2nd trip to the big ditch, but with no camera.  This posting is our 3rd trip, which Holly and Emily joined Mason, Astro and myself.  This being our first trip with the ladies, we simply wanted to hike into the gorge, set up camp, then do some light excursions each day.

Astro was quick to find himself a little dirt :-)

Holly wasn't too impressed with the steepness of the trail into the Gorge

Once we set up camp, I noticed this strange looking bug on our Nemo Meta 2P

First Look, this is a picture of a tree.

On closer inspection, that tree has a lizzard.  Pretty neat camo.

The place we set up camp has a nice swim hole in the river.  Above, you see the rapids feeding into the hole.  The water is nice and cool.  Quite refreshing on a HOT 4th of July weekend.

On the backside of the swim hole, is a huge rock that offers a good 20+ foot drop into the water.

The inside of a hollowed out tree that had been blown down and cut to clear the trail.  those spikes are what are branches on the outside.

I like the collection of all the small rocks.

The rhododendrons in bloom.  There were petals littering the trail everywhere.  Was nice decoration to the midsummer setting.

We were constantly battling one another for time in the hammock.  Mason happened to be the lucky one at this moment.

More of the Linville River, which splits the gorge. h

Even Astro was partial to taking breaks in the shade.

Emily and Mason posing in a natural lean-to type shelter on the Linville Gorge Loop trail between Conley Cove Trail and the Spencer Bridge.

- The swim hole campsite is prime real estate.  You need to get there early Friday to get a shot at dibbs.
- The girls had a surprisingly good time.  They previously went with us to Uwharrie National Forrest where we loop hiked.  This was base camping, which proved to be easier on them.
- There was a lot of trash in the gorge.  I find it appalling that people can come to a place of beauty like this and not care enough about the place they are enjoying.
- We got there late and camped on the top rim of the Gorge.  It was very dusty up top.  Do not want to camp up top again.

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