
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Linville Gorge June 2011

Our Next Trip was to Linville Gorge.  This was our first trip to Linville, where we did some exploring along the river.  The highlight of this trip was getting a bit lost.  Linville, dubbed the Grand Canyon of the east, also called the Big Ditch, has claim as the most rugged terrain in the southeast.  At one point in our exploration, a HUGE fallen tree alters our perception of the unmarked Linville Loop Trail.  After realizing we were lost, we consulted with the topo to regain our bearings and chart a course back to the trail which was now a very steep 250 feet of elevation gain, through some dense growth of briars, rocks and brush.  At one point, Astro was boo-hooing because he didn't think he could navigate up to us, despite my coaxing him.  By the time we all were back on a trail, we were in pretty rough shape.  Scratches, scrapes, huffing and puffing but ready to continue on.  Also, to note, we had the privilege of stopping by Aunt Jane and Uncle Bob's house the night before we hit the trail, then on the way home again, as we all shared a pizza!

In the back left are some stacked rocks(cairn).

We had lunch underneath a huge rocky over hang, with a view of Spencer Bridge(my favorite picture) during the rain.  We kept dry and refueled.  After eating, the rain let up and we were back on our way.

This was from the river just off our Campsite at the base of Conley Cove Tail.  The moon is in the top left.

Also from the River just off Conley Cove Trail.

Also during the rainy lunch.  earlier picture was to the west, viewing the bridge.  This is to the East.

A very shallow Cave.

-  The hikes down and up the Gorge are fun.
-  The river is so nice.
-  Base camping works well
-  My leather boots are HOT in June.

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