
Monday, March 28, 2011

Closer to Home - Cedar Rock Park 3/20/2011 - 5 miles

We made some additions to our gear, so everyone has boots and a pack and today were able to get up early this time, mow through some mini-wheats and hit the road for the loooong journ.. wait....  It was actually just down the road a ways.  Didn't even have to get on the interstate.  We got up at a reasonable time, had some breakfast and loaded up in the van with the 4 packs we put together the previous night, weighing in at 8, 10, 12 and 22 lbs.  This time, we opted to bring more snacks, more water and the puppy.   In 30 minutes, we set out on our longest trek yet, to tackle the equestrian trail at Cedar Rock Park.  The temps were seasonal, in the 50's which actually worked out nicely as the day went on.  The trail head quickly brought us to a disc golf course, which already had some people out using the course, as we hiked by.

We passed some additional structures along the way, and assumed them to be a part of the historic farm located on the property, but did not get close enough to determine at the time.  Saving that for another visit maybe, but found out it wasn't part of the farm.

We eventually got away from the farm house location and found a bridge leading to Elmo's gazebo, with little else around.  Just a nice quiet spot to sit and enjoy some peace and quiet.

The gazebo was actually quite nice.  Seems odd having such a nicely built structure out by itself.  There was some open area, so I suppose it would be a nice area to have a picnic and just be away from it all.  We'll be back here later.

We then left the gazebo and started up our first incline to where we found ourselves at a waterfall made by the Old Mill Dam. 
This is where Mason, quickly found his way into the water.  We decided that the kids could walk across a rock ledge at the edge of the dam, and Mason mistakes some built up skim debris for a place to step, and found himself knee deep in water.

To get to the waterfall, we got off the equestrian trail and onto the yellow trail.  Now that mason was wet, we elected to take a loop following the yellow trail and cutting off, on to the purple trail, to eventually take us back to Elmo's gazebo.  Along the way, we found some interesting wooden knots growing out of the ground.

 I don't know what they are, but definitely weird. Kind of like a wart, just sitting on the side of the river bank.

We also found a tree with the biggest vines of poison ivy I've ever seen.  They had been cut to kill the vine and just left to hang.  Long dormant, I had Mason get in front of the tree to use as a reference for how big the vines in the background are.

Holly was getting tired, so she opted to take a break, having a seat in her brick armchair.
We came across someone walking the trail as we got closer to the gazebo, so he was kind enough to take a picture of all of us.

At the gazebo, Mason changed his socks and we rung the old socks out and tied them to his pack to air dry, for later, should he get find some more water later.  The rest of us took time to eat some sandwiches and homemade granola from the night before. (Finally got my kids to eat raisins)

Back on the trail  Mason found a walking stick, just in time as the trails started to find their incline.  We were able to follow the trail easy enough.  There were some mucky spots along the way where it was overly wet from all the recent rains ad the horses had tore the trail.  We'd walk around or make way through the tree line to get around them.  Other than that, it was uneventful, leaving time for pleasant conversation.

Eventually, we made our way to the area of the park that holds some rock structures and the cascades.  We've been told there is a cave around here as well.  First we came across some strange rock stacks.  Not sure if this was anything special or just someone who was being artistic recently.  I opt for the later, as it seems all to easy for some one to knock them over.

Next, we Found the rock wall, which was really nothing more than a short rock fence.  Still an odd place for any structure.

Shortly after the rock wall, we found the cascades.  We stepped off the trail, as by this time we had gone on a funny loop, almost back on a location we had already hiked down, as we were most interested in the rock mounds that are in this area.  Since we'd obviously walked all the way around the mound location, and they weren't in sight from the trail, and it's published information that the mounds are here, then it's meant for us to break off the trail.  We trekked down along the left of this portion of Garret Creek, about 50 yards past the uprooted tree you see, where we then dropped our packs and crossed.
Coco the dog was actually quite impressive trekking through various obstacles already today, but at this point, she seemed inclined to stay behind, which wasn't an option.  We eventually coaxed her across.  Evidence that she's more a hindrance than it's worth to take her along hiking.
Eventually we made our way up the summit of nothing and stumbled across some rock mounds(finally) as seen below.  Again, no apparent purpose served by their presence.

With that done, we agreed to get back to the packs and start making some fast tracks to get to the end, which finished the loop of the entire park.  Holly, who had started ahead of us, while Mason finished a sandwich and apple, was waiting at the bridge we'd passed earlier as we looped around to find the mounds.

We crossed over and hung a left, walking along and found an odd looking tree that seemed all mangled.  I didn't do a good job with the camera here, but it did look impressive.

The rest of the way found us crossing over the parks entrance and taking the long way around to come back to where the equestrian parking lot is.  While we'd snapped one or two pictures along the way, we found the bulk of our flowers between the rock mound area and the parking lot.  I've saved the flowers for the last of the entry to come back to later and edit, once we learn what flowers are what.

Not exactly sure, but these look like a crocus

Not sure about these purple ones.  They are almost too small on the picture to see.  Might should have just elected not to post the picture.

Not sure what these are either.

Pretty.  Looks a little like a Pansie, but not.

Not typically inclined to snap a photo of this common Dandelion, but this one was HUGE.

 Don't know what this purple cluster was.  Again, could easily have not posted this one.

When we got back to the vehicle, we took a poll as to what time we thought it was and the consensus for the kids was about 3 or 4, but it was only 1:30, so they were pretty stoked knowing there was still plenty of the day left when we get back home, which we promptly set out for.

  • We, again had a good time, with no fussing, fighting or even more promising, no whining :-)
  • Cedar Rock Park isn't much of a challenge at all.  While it is close, we'll explore some other options prior to any consideration of a return.  I'll bet it will be nicer toward summer, when the foliage has popped.
  • Coco will stay home from now on.  She added nothing to the experience, an given more thought, she potentially could be a real setback.
  • Despite the relatively easy terrain, the kids didn't have any problem at all with the initial weight they carried.  They shouldn't have, but wanting to take baby steps in getting to heavier packs, this was a good start.  Ultimately, I think they will easily be able to make 3 day trips keeping weight below 20 pounds, Mason even less.
  • Emily's camera takes better pictures than Masons.  Neither take stellar pictures of flowers, especially small ones.
  • Next time I hike before an on call week, BLOG ASAP.  It was not as intuitive writing this one, as the experience wasn't fresh by the time I got around to the task after an unexpected hell week.
  • My pack wasn't so heavy I was sore from the muscle sense, but I did end up with a sore hip, which after some contemplation, figure this to be from not properly adjusting my pack.  I was just throwing and going. but there is actually a six step sequence that I've since learned that I'm hoping will make all of the difference.


  1. Hey Hicks Family,
    I have enjoyed reading your blog. Love all the pictures you've been taking. Kudos to the kids for hiking with their own gear! Only one question...where's mama?

  2. Theresa,

    Ha, a year later, and I finally see your comment. So, Mama was working as usual on weekends. As of late, that changed and she's been out with us on an 2 nighter at Stone Mountain.

    I kinda forgot about the blog for a bit. Getting back and caught up soon.
